The hearing of the House Committee on Small Business was held to discuss the biggest tax problems facing America’s 28 million small businesses. What did the panel of experts tell the committee at the hearing?
There’s much more, but these help to identify the scope of the problem outlined at the April 9, 2014 hearing, which was titled, appropriately enough, “The Biggest Tax Problems for Small Businesses.” In addition to hearing the problems, ideas for tax reform were also presented. Here are just a few:
Don’t be surprised, but not everyone agrees with what ought to be done. For example, one witness, perhaps fearing that reform would lead to lower tax revenues, told the committee that small businesses actually receive many advantages from the present tax code and warned that to give further tax advantages in some areas could lead to higher taxes on other businesses.
Such conversations, debates, and hearings on this issue aren’t new. And you’ve probably noticed that in the face of all the identified problems with which small businesses are dealing, there isn’t a cascade of reform legislation pouring out of Washington.
We know that the wheels of government don’t just grind slowly; their rotation can be almost imperceptible. The bigger and more expansive the effort, the greater is the probability of putting it off to a future date or derailing it altogether.
There’s a possibility that something legislatively will be done in the taxes and small business arena after November’s elections and the seating of new members of Congress. Therefore, it’s good to know what the committee responsible for researching charged with small business issues - and holding listening to testimony on the biggest tax problems facing small businesses - is hearing.
The Small Business Committee’s report on its hearing can be found here.